Motor Fan for Car Engine Cooling | Valeo Service

Optimized Engine Cooling with Valeo Motor Fans
The design of modern vehicles, with reduced grille sizes and compact engine spaces, has increased the need for efficient air flow. Valeo's fan system is designed to optimize heat exchange with the radiator, ensuring superior engine cooling performance. Positioned at the front of the vehicle, the fan system enhances air flow, contributing to improved vehicle efficiency.
Components of Valeo's Fan System
- Support: Ensures secure attachment to the vehicle and optimizes airflow through the shroud.
- Electric Motor: Custom-designed for each vehicle, preventing overconsumption and controlled by the thermoswitch, pressure switch, or ECU, with both low and high speed options.
- Fan: Properly dimensioned for optimal airflow, reducing risks of overconsumption, overheating, and vibrations that may lead to failures.
Why Choose Valeo Fan Systems?
- OE leader in Engine Cooling.
- Wide, continuously growing range.
- Original quality and design respected.
- High temperature and vibration resistance.
- Quick aftermarket availability with user-friendly packaging.
Valeo Info
Fan systems should be replaced after a crash, or if any of the following symptoms occur:
- Vibration or noise due to damaged components.
- Engine overheating or frequent air-conditioning shutdowns.